It’s a great quality to be funny, but bring funny even during a panic situation, while fighting aliens is another thing in itself. Here is a list of the funniest superheroes of the Marvel universe. PS. The list is in ascending the order. (Least to Most) Drax- The Destroyer The dumbest guy in the team, Drax the Destroyer isn’t funny on his own, but him being unaware of all the slangs that his team uses and all the sign talks that they indulge in, and his simplistic nature makes him very different and funny to others. In the 2014 movie too, the scene where Quill is trying to explain to him what ‘ finger on throat’ sign means is extremely funny. Rocket He is sarcastic. He is witty. He can just kill you with his humour and one-liners, undoubtedly the brains and the tech guy of the team with some serious anger issues and a constant need craving havoc, this guy has to be on every funny list that there is in the Marvel universe. Ant-Man Be it his awkward handshakes with Captain America or be ...
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